Safeguarding Commitment Statement
The emotional, physical and spiritual safety, well-being and dignity of children is an integral part of the teachings and values of the Catholic Church.
Safeguarding those who are vulnerable is part of the mission that Jesus Christ entrusts to our Church. We all have a role to play in safeguarding those who are vulnerable.
Catholic Indonesian Community are wholly committed to ensuring the safety, well-being and dignity of all children, and acknowledges as important legal, moral and spiritual responsibility to create a safe and nurturing environment for these children.
Our community has very clear expectations in matters relating to child protection and expects children will be protected from all form of harm including sexual, physical and psychological harm, ill-treatment and neglect.
A Notice for Church Bulletins
The Catholic Indonesian Community takes the safeguarding of children and vulnerable persons seriously. This includes past or present forms of abuse. Safeguarding those who are vulnerable is part of the mission that Jesus Christ entrusts to our Church. We all have a role to play in safeguarding those who are vulnerable. If you have any concerns about someone’s immediate safety, or you suspect a crime may have or is likely to occur, please contact NSW Police on Triple Zero (000). Concerns about safeguarding in the Chaplaincy may be referred to your Parish Priest, or directly to the Office for Safeguarding and Ministerial Integrity Office at (02) 9390 5810 or safeguardingenquiries@sydneycatholic.org.